Regulus Global wird mit dem Export Achievement Certificate des U.S. Dept. of Commerce ausgezeichnet

Regulus Supports Virginia’s Global Defense Program
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., (March 8, 2023) – Regulus Global announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce honored the company with an Export Achievement Certificate at a ceremony held at The MacArthur Memorial Visitors Center in Norfolk, Virginia.
“The Export Achievement Certificate recognizes Regulus Global’s contributions to U.S. exports around the world,” said Arun Venkataraman, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets, and Director General of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce.
“Also, notably, Regulus Global is committed to hire those who have admirably served their country, with veterans comprising 30% of its workforce. They have done a fantastic service to our community by ensuring our nation’s veterans have a place to work and contribute their skills and talents.”
Regulus Global was honored with the certificate during a ceremony recognizing companies and key partners in Virginia who serve the veteran-owned business community.
Regulus Global is proud to employ our military veterans, collaborate with veteran-owned businesses, and provide our government and partner nations with industry-leading solutions to enable their success.
Über Regulus
Regulus Global solves complex technology and equipment needs for organizations around the world. Our in-the-field experience, supply chain network, deep relationships, and commitment to ethical practices allow us to succeed in seemingly insurmountable scenarios. When others are stuck, we forge ahead. We go where others won’t to deliver when others can’t.
Regulus Global is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Va., with subsidiary offices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil and operates in more than 80 countries worldwide.
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