Regulus “Forges Ahead” With New Website Launch

“Regulus launches new website and branding going where others won’t to deliver when others can’t.”
Virginia Beach, VA – Today Regulus unveiled its new branding and digital presence. The new brand, “Forge Ahead,” captures the mission of the organization of delivering solutions to complex problems through the toughest of conditions. Regulus prides itself in being capable of solving complex technology and equipment needs for organizations around world. Regulus’ in-the-field experience, supply chain network, deep relationships, and commitment to ethical practices allows them to succeed in seemingly insurmountable scenarios. When others are stuck, Regulus forges ahead.
As part of the new branding launch Regulus introduced a stunning new digital presence across a variety of platforms, including a new website, YouTube, FaceBook and X designs.
“We’re excited that our new brand captures the essence of our mission and that our new website tells the Regulus story,” said Regulus CEO, Will Somerindyke. “We are a team of experienced professionals who developed our expertise in the arena, through trial and error, providing us with a deep, relevant knowledge of the products and services we provide. We’ve operated with and served diverse organization in diverse locations for over a decade, giving us a valuable global perspective and influencing our processes. Our in-depth understanding of cultures, currencies, geo-political dynamics, communication barriers, and compliance challenges enable us to develop creative and personalized solutions for our partners,” continued Somerindyke.
Bringen Sie Ihre kritische Mission mit der Macht von Regulus weiter und schneller voran.
Wir konzentrieren uns auf das, was sein kann.
Innovieren Sie, wenn andere zweifeln.
Engagieren Sie sich, wenn andere zögern.
Barrieren überwinden und das Unmögliche möglich machen.
Aufstehen, wo andere versagt haben.
Neue Wege beschreiten, wo andere sich zurückziehen.
Angetrieben von Herzen, die vor Mitgefühl strotzen, streben wir nach dem Traum von Frieden und Wohlstand.