Regulus Global erweitert seine Aktivitäten in Kolumbien mit dem neuen Partner American Tactical American Tactical verstärkt seine Präsenz in der Region

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., USA and Bogotá, Colombia, (Feb. 21, 2023) – Regulus Global announced today that it is expanding operations through a new partner, American Tactical, to increase its presence in the Colombian region.
“American Tactical specializes in the optimal supply of quality products to special forces in Colombia and Mexico,” said Diego Soler, General Manager of American Tactical. “It is a leading company in the region, with a portfolio of globally recognized tactical brands.”
From uniforms, protective eyewear and helmets to more sophisticated communications equipment, American Tactical has been recognized as a Colombia e-Commerce finalist for small-to- medium sized business and top provider to the Ministry of Defence.
“Regulus Global aligned with American Tactical at SHOT Show 2023 with the intent of building a unique understanding and increased presence in the Colombian region” said Ray Gonzalez, Global Manager of Business Development, Regulus Global. “We are excited to work closely with Mr. Soler and this great team.”
In the last decade, Regulus Global has grown exponentially offering mission solutions in more than 80 countries globally. With military veterans, field expertise, internal compliance export control, global in-country staff, numerous certifications, licenses and contract vehicle awards, Regulus provides nimble, flexible solutions with mission experience.
Über Regulus
Regulus Global solves complex technology and equipment needs for organizations around the world. Our in-the-field experience, supply chain network, deep relationships, and commitment to ethical practices allow us to succeed in seemingly insurmountable scenarios. When others are stuck, we forge ahead. We go where others won’t to deliver when others can’t.
Regulus Global is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Va., with subsidiary offices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil and operates in more than 80 countries worldwide.
Media Contact:
+1-757-447-4487 mobile
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